Freestep Equine Comforter spray 300ml. Magnesium based.
Freestep Equine Comforter spray 300ml. Magnesium based.

Freestep Equine Comforter spray 300ml. Magnesium based.

Product Code: IxodvyQ
Units in Stock: 0
£3.50 inc. tax

Freestep Equine comforter spray.. Supporting comfort and mobility to muscles, backs, joints, hamstrings and strains.

 Magnesium Based Spray. BN 300ml bottle. Transdermal application.

Transdermal application (I.e spraying directly onto the affected area) is a fast way to deliver magnesium into the muscle tissue.

Do not spray into eyes or onto broken skin. Not for oral use.

Contains Magnesium Chloride and Natural Spring Water.

Expiry Date March 2025.

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Product Code: IxodvyQ
Brand: Freestep
Product Condition : New
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